Little Shop of Horrors Opens at WHS Performing Arts Center
The classic love story. A boy, a girl...and a man-eating plant. April 29, 30 May 1, 7-8; 7:00pm in the Washburn Performing Arts Center in Washougal, WA. Tickets are $8.00 for adults, $6.00 for students/seniors, or FREE with WHS Arts Pass (up to 4 people per pass).
For more information, please contact the Box Office at 360-954-3107, or contact Mr. Gregersen at 360-954-3136, or visit their website.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Kindergarten "Round-up" Registration May 3-7, 2010
Kindergarten "Round-up" Registration May 3-7, 2010
Registration for children entering Kindergarten at Cape Horn-Skye, Gause and Hathaway Elementary Schools will be held May 3-7, 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the school where the child will attend. Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2010. Parents must present the following for registration: 1) The child's original birth certificate 2) Proof of vaccinations 3) A completed and signed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form. CIS forms are available from the school offices or may be downloaded in English or in Spanish here. For complete details on Kindergarten registration, click here.
Registration for children entering Kindergarten at Cape Horn-Skye, Gause and Hathaway Elementary Schools will be held May 3-7, 2010 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the school where the child will attend. Children entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before August 31, 2010. Parents must present the following for registration: 1) The child's original birth certificate 2) Proof of vaccinations 3) A completed and signed Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form. CIS forms are available from the school offices or may be downloaded in English or in Spanish here. For complete details on Kindergarten registration, click here.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Canyon Creek Battle of the Books May 3, 2010
Canyon Creek Battle of the Books May 3, 2010
The big day is almost here! The Battle of the Books is a year long voluntary reading incentive for Canyon Creek Middle School Students and Cape Horn-Skye Fifth Graders. Students must read and verbally summarize 12 books from the list of 30 to participate on Battle Day. Book Battlers will be competing in preliminary Jeopardy/Knowledge Bowl type rounds all morning. The top two teams will challenge each other in the afternoon Grand Battle. Michael Piekarski will be serving up a special lunch for our Book Battlers. Kam Lawrence has arranged for some great mid-day entertainment. We are looking forward to lively competition and fun on Battle Day!
Update: Reading is Out of this World
Canyon Creek Middle School hosted its second annual Battle of the Books on Monday, May 3rd. This year 31 students qualified to be in this all day event by reading at least 12 books from the list of 30. The team Federation Enterprise won first place in the Grand Battle. This team included 1 eighth-grader, two sixth-graders and two Cape Horn-Skye fifth- graders. Lunch was a delicious meal of hydroponic salad, light speed breadsticks and intergalactic ziti with asteroid meatballs. A fifth-grader won the airplane throw during the entertainment segment much to the delight of her team, Deep Space Nine. All six Book Battler teams had a great day of competition and fun.
The big day is almost here! The Battle of the Books is a year long voluntary reading incentive for Canyon Creek Middle School Students and Cape Horn-Skye Fifth Graders. Students must read and verbally summarize 12 books from the list of 30 to participate on Battle Day. Book Battlers will be competing in preliminary Jeopardy/Knowledge Bowl type rounds all morning. The top two teams will challenge each other in the afternoon Grand Battle. Michael Piekarski will be serving up a special lunch for our Book Battlers. Kam Lawrence has arranged for some great mid-day entertainment. We are looking forward to lively competition and fun on Battle Day!
Update: Reading is Out of this World
Canyon Creek Middle School hosted its second annual Battle of the Books on Monday, May 3rd. This year 31 students qualified to be in this all day event by reading at least 12 books from the list of 30. The team Federation Enterprise won first place in the Grand Battle. This team included 1 eighth-grader, two sixth-graders and two Cape Horn-Skye fifth- graders. Lunch was a delicious meal of hydroponic salad, light speed breadsticks and intergalactic ziti with asteroid meatballs. A fifth-grader won the airplane throw during the entertainment segment much to the delight of her team, Deep Space Nine. All six Book Battler teams had a great day of competition and fun.
April 2010 News
District Begins Budget Planning Process
The Washougal Board of Directors reviewed budget planning information at the Board meeting on April 13, 2010. For a copy of the briefing provided to the Board, click here.
After the extensive cuts that were made in this year’s budget, it is difficult to find further reductions. Items on the draft of potential budget reductions will all impact services to students, and it now becomes a matter of “how much” or to what degree do these reductions impact students less or more than other reductions that might be considered. These will be difficult decisions. It is important to note that no decisions regarding budget reductions have been made.
Calendar of Meetings for Public Input on 2010-11 Budget
All meetings on this calendar will be held in the Board Room at the District Office, unless otherwise noted.
The District office is located at 4855 Evergreen Way, Washougal, WA 98671.
April 19 4:30 p.m. Staff Forum for input on budget and potential budget reductions list at Washougal High School
April 21 6:30 p.m. Community Budget Task Force meeting to review, discuss and add to potential budget reductions list
April 26 10:00 a.m. Public Forum for community member input
April 26 6:30 p.m. Public Forum for community member input
April 27 6:30 p.m. Board of Directors meeting to review public input
April 29 6:30 p.m. Community Budget Task Force meeting to review public input and make final recommendations for presentation to the Board
May 11 6:30 p.m. Board of Directors meeting, Community Budget Task Force on agenda
June 22 6:30 p.m. Board of Directors meeting to finalize draft of 2010-11 Budget
Preliminary Legislative Budget Summary
The following summary is based on information provided by the Washington Association of School Administrators and the Washington State School Directors Association. Although no official state budget has been released, the summary information provides a more refined picture of potential budget reductions for Washougal School District.
The legislative budget deal closes a $2.8 billion gap in spending and revenue and relies on:
$757 million in new taxes
$755 million in budget cuts
$690 million in fund transfers, use of reserves and other one-time budget savings
$618 million in federal funds
The final budget also leaves $484 million in the state’s Ending Fund Balance (that is, money left “in the bank” to cover emergencies or further downturns in the economy).
For K-12 education, the final budget makes $120 million in program cuts. The original 2009-11 budget appropriated $13.31 billion for K-12. Reducing $120 million, the revised appropriations for K-12 education is $13.44 billion.
The coalition of the major education associations that came together at the end of the Regular Session to focus in on common budget priorities was largely successful. These items have impact on Washougal School District:
K-4 Class Size Enhancement – The final budget maintains funding for a K-3 Class Size Enhancement
and reduces the enhancement in Grade 4.
Classified Staffing Ratio – The final budget makes no changes to the current funding level of the Classified Staffing Ratio.
I-728 funds used for professional development and lower class size –Eliminated.
Extra contracted day, Learning Improvement Day (LID) for certificated staff—Eliminated.
Local Effort Assistance, aka Levy Equalization – The final budget allows for an increase in the levy lid to 28%
and funding of LEA assistance at the current level.
Apportionment to be transferred to school districts on June 30, as usual.
Please check the “Budget” section of the District website for updates as new information is made available.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Hathaway Elementary band receives grant

Hathaway Elementary School received several band instruments— two clarinets, two trumpets and one euphonium—as part of a grant from The Amphitheater at Clark County and the Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation.
The donation was especially welcome during a time when many school districts are facing budget cuts for band programs and families are struggling with their budgets as well.
Sandee Canton is the fifth grade band teacher at Hathaway.
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