Washougal School District middle school students had the opportunity to participate in the Clausen Youth Program, a two-day outdoor themed program focusing on history, stewardship, and plant & animal identification in the Columbia Gorge. The program is a partnership between Washougal School District and the Friends of the Columbia Gorge and allows students to experience the Gorge in a new way, aligned with state standards. “The Gorge is such a wonderful resource in our own back yard and we feel so grateful to the Friends of the Columbia Gorge for giving our students a chance to experience it in a meaningful and educational way,” said Assistant Superintendent Rebecca Miner.
The Clausen Youth Fund was established in 2008 by long-time supporter and Vancouver resident Phyllis Clausen in honor of her late-husband. With a strong environmental background, Phyllis saw the need to provide an environmental education experience.
The goal of the program is to expose local youth to the wonders of the Columbia Gorge, its significance as a national treasure, and story of its preservation through the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Act.