Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Community Input Gathering for Strategic Planning Process

The Washougal School District is in the process of developing a five to six year strategic plan to guide our district and school improvement work. As part of this process, we hope to gather input from a broad range of district constituents through several means. If you are interested in attending a community input session, one will be held in the Washougal High School Library on March 6, 2012 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM.

Community members who are parents can also give input through their school's parent advisory group. Meetings are being held at each school during the month of February to collect parent feedback. To view a list all meetings, please click here.

In addition to these input sessions, a short online survey is available to help guide our work around strategic priorities. You can take the survey by following this link. If you have other feedback you would like included as the new strategic plan is developed, please send us an e-mail at