Grace Collins was selected as the Camas Washougal Rotary
Scholar of the Month for October 2012.
Grace is a sophomore at Washougal High School and has a 4.0 GPA. WHS Honors Chemistry Teacher Bruce
Stanton says that Grace “is an excellent chemistry student AND a very nice
person.” WHS Textiles and Apparel Teacher Mary Walker says Grace is “thoughtful
of others” and that “She helps other students with a smile., always does her
best work, and is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day or a sunny day!”
WHS Spanish Teacher Rochelle Aiton describes Grace as “sweet
and attentive, intelligent, talented and self-disciplined, in addition to being
a joy to have in class.” WHS
Honors Sophomore English Teacher Sheila Good says she “really enjoys having
Grace in her class.” She adds that
she is “very pleasant and kind, and sets a positive tone in the classroom. She is also extremely conscientious and
makes sure that her work is as perfect as it can be.”
Her parents are Mark and Leann Collins. Congratulations, Grace!