Two groups of Washougal educators attended optional, district-sponsored classes on creating web pages using Google Sites on September 22 and 28, 2011. These hands-on classes were co-facilitated by Washougal High School Teachers James Bennett and Rochelle Aiton, with assistance from Director of Technology Les Brown.
Participating teachers were led through the process of creating an account, customizing a main page in Google sites, adding feeds from subpages, integrating a Google Calendar, linking to external sites, and adding attachments via the File Cabinet feature or Google Docs.
Hathaway Teacher Lisa Kaaihue said, " I really appreciated all of the choices and variety of features the Google Sites class offered for developing Web pages. I have used other sites to create web pages and felt this site offered the most diversity of features."
For more information about these classes or other staff development initiatives, please visit the Staff Development page of the Washougal School District Website.�
Pictured are Gause Teachers Allison Such and Wendy Morrill.