Thursday, May 27, 2010

Superintendent's 2010-2011 Budget Report

Superintendent's 2010-2011 Budget Report 
The following information summarizes the District's position regarding budget reductions for 2010-2011. As a reminder, the budget shortfall was $630,000, and the solutions presented below have resolved the shortfall.

WAE Budget Proposal Approved by Board of Directors
Last night, the Board of Directors approved the generous offer of the Washougal Association of Educators to contribute $93,000 in residual professional development funds to the budget solution, contingent upon a match of $2.00/$1.00 from the District's unreserved funds. To view the WAE proposal, click here.

Superintendent's 2010-2011 Budget Recommendation
In addition, the Board approved the larger set of 2010-2011 budget recommendations that were generated in part by the Community Budget Task Force. To view the 2010-2011 Basic Education Budget Recommendations, click here.

Analysis of Budget Contributions to Shortfall
An analysis of the final budget recommendations shows the percentage of each contribution to the solution:

% of Contributions to $630,000 Budget Shortfall
Budget Contribution
Fund Amount

Delay of maintenance reserve fund to a later fiscal year

WAE's offer of residual professional development funds

District’s unreserved funds, matching $2.00/$1.00 in WAE funds

1.0 FTE Administrator, Reduction in Force

10% Reduction in District and building budgets

Other new revenue sources and cost savings


Next Steps
The 2010-2011 budget recommendations approved by the Board represent thoughtful input from the Community Budget Task Force, members of the community who emailed the superintendent and Board, the Washington Association of Educators, the district's administrative leadership team, the district office human resources staff and the Board of Directors. Together we shared information that ultimately led to the development of a budget solution which has deeply impacted the administrative team, but spared reductions of other staff members and programs that originally had been considered.
Over the next few weeks, budget manager Rosann Lassman and Carol Baker, Human Resources specialist, will work together to produce the 2010-2011 budget for Board input, review and approval.

Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend!